A Look Inside a First Grade Classroom

We can get an idea of what a Number Talk is by hearing from a first -grade teacher describing how she gets started with Number Talks.
by Kathy Richardson
When my children begin first grade Keep reading →
We can get an idea of what a Number Talk is by hearing from a first -grade teacher describing how she gets started with Number Talks.
by Kathy Richardson
When my children begin first grade Keep reading →
Shared by our associate Marilynn Magnani of Newark, DE
Dear Parents,
I want to share some observations I have made while listening to your children talk about their math. Keep reading →
by Kathy Richardson
Those of us working to improve the mathematics education of elementary students have seen many positive changes in the teaching and learning of mathematics. More and more teachers are excited about teaching mathematics and eager to give their student’s meaningful experiences. Teachers no longer view being “good at math” as high scores on timed tests or accuracy when following procedures. Teachers recognize Keep reading →
A Key to Effective Instruction
by Kathy Richardson
As children develop an understanding of number concepts, there are certain essential ideas that are milestones, or hurdles in their growth of understanding. I have identified these stages of Keep reading →
Reflections on What It Really Means To Raise Expectations
by Kathy Richardson
During this time in education when the emphasis is on high expectations and accountability, it is essential that we stop and reflect on what this means in the lives of individual children. Keep reading →
Here is an article written by one of our instructional specialist, Kim Bowen, who won the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching in 2014. We hope you enjoy!
What mathematical ideas are fundamental to understanding addition and subtraction?
By Kathy Richardson
What is the distinction between a lesson and a Number Talk? This is a question that seems to come up frequently for teachers using Number Talks as a part of their Math Time block. I would like to share my thinking about this. Keep reading →
Kathy Richardson is the author and developer of the Assessing Math Concepts (AMC) series of assessments, the Developing Number Concepts (DNC) series for Kindergarten through Second Grade Mathematics and Number Talks for the Pre-K and Primary Classroom. Kathy, Program Director for Math Perspectives, is one of the most respected early childhood mathematics educators.
Kathy answers questions from teachers across the country who are using AMC, DNC and Number Talks. If you have questions for Kathy, please send them to Math Perspectives at info@mathperspectives.com.
Hi Kathy! A few things have come up recently in analyzing assessments and I figured I would reach out and ask the expert herself! No rush on these; thank you in advance for your thoughts. Keep reading →
There was a time when teachers were thought to be successful if they could get everyone in their class to do the same task correctly. The focus was on accomplishing the tasks rather than on developing an understanding of concepts. However, when we focus on teaching for understanding and try to find out what children really know and understand, we see that our children don’t all learn or understand the same things at the same time. The range of needs becomes clearer and clearer. Meeting this range of needs becomes one of our greatest challenges as it requires that we look closely at each of our children and provide the appropriate experiences for them. Keep reading →